Impact of the coronavirus (covid-19) on African economy
The COVID-19 crisis is affecting the entire world economy and that of Africa. Some key sectors of the African economy are already experiencing a slowdown as a result of the pandemic. Tourism, air transport, and the oil sector are visibly impacted. However, invisible impacts of COVID-19 are expected in 2020 regardless of the duration of the pandemic.
The socio-economic impact of the Covid-19 crisis is real. It is therefore essential to inform the populations on the impact and advice policy-makers in order to better prepare and lessen the adverse impact of the pandemic.
In this regard, this paper structures the policy recommendations into two types:
i) Those responding to the immediate situation; and
ii) Those corresponding to the aftermath of the pandemic.
A paradigm shift is needed in order to change the trade patterns of African countries within themselves and with the rest of world. Africa should turn the current Covid-19 pandemic into an opportunity.
Read the latest African Union Report on impact of #COVID19 on African economies.